Equipment for Wastewater Treatment Plants

Equipment for Wastewater Treatment Plants

Reliable and time-proven equipment
from the Czech Republic and Slovakia

During 24 years of work our company has made more than 50 comprehensive deliveries of processing equipment for wastewater treatment plants in Eastern Europe and Asia

We will find the optimal processing solution for wastewater treatment equipment according to your request and deliver it to any location in the world. Our company cooperates only with high-quality and proven suppliers of processing equipment.

Product line

Coarse mechanical pre-treatment unit

The coarse установка предварительной механической очистки сточных вод is a set of processing equipment combined to fulfil a single task: extraction of waste and suspended solids coarser than 3 mm, sand and grease from the inflow

The unit is composed of a self-cleaning step screen, a grit chamber, screws, a grease catcher and a waste press. Disposal of dewatered waste into polymer sealed bags

Unit capacity: from 10 to 250 l/s.
Screen slit: 3-6 mm
Material: stainless steel and plastic


  • High performance
  • Long-term operation
  • Fully automatic operation mode
  • Ease of maintenance

Fine mechanical pre-treatment unit

The fine mechanical wastewater pre-treatment unit is designed to capture and extract fine solids from the wastewater coarser than 1 mm, long fibres and hair, dewater this waste, compact it and then transfer it to a container.

The unit is composed of a rotary drum sieve (removal of fine impurities), a shaftless screw conveyor (waste feed), a screw press for dewatering and pressing of waste.

Total maximum capacity:  25 – 150 l/s
Material: stainless steel
Filtration gap:  1 – 25 mm


  • High performance
  • Long-term operation
  • Fully automatic operation mode
  • Ease of maintenance

Blowers and aeration system

Blowers are devices in which the gas medium
is externally compressed by means of two three-tooth rotors.
The blowers are designed to aerate bioreactors
to create the proper conditions for wastewater treatment processes.
The blowers can be controlled by frequency control
of the drive depending on the dissolved oxygen concentration
in the biological treatment unit, which significantly reduces
energy consumption.

Air volume at suction: 15 – 20,000 m3/h
Pressure: 0 – 100 kPa


  • Low noise
  • Reliable
  • Energy efficient
  • Ease of maintenance

Separator for sludge separation based on the USBF technology

A unique separator SAVO-KBM type is a block-modular complex for wastewater treatment and is the main part of an active secondary sedimentation tank.
The separator separates the activated sludge mixture from the biologically treated wastewater in the process of filtration of the wastewater through a combined bed of suspended sludge. The separator design allows for a more efficient sludge separation process to release treated water. The activated return sludge is recirculated
through the sludge pockets of the separator by a special pump.

Length of one section: 2.5 m
Maximum length: 35 m
Width: 8.5 m Depth: 5.4 m
Nominal capacity: 100 – 8400 cub. m/day


  • High-quality materials: high-strength stainless steel
  • Unique design, improves wastewater treatment efficiency

Activated return sludge axial flow recirculation pump for the USBF technology

Activated return sludge axial flow recirculation pump
fulfils the important function of sludge recirculation to create the proper conditions for the efficient process of biological treatment of wastewater.

Submersible or semi-submersible, centrifugal, vertical, axial impeller pump. The pump is designed as a monoblock consisting of
an asynchronous motor cooled by the pumped liquid and a
hydraulic part separated from the motor by an oil tray
and a pair of end seals protecting the motor. The shape of the propeller blades is adapted to pump liquids with fibrous inclusions.

Capacity: 10 l/s – 204 l/s
Head: 0.2 m – 1.37 m
Material: stainless steel


  • Unique design
  • Operational reliability
  • High efficiency
  • Automatic mode of maintaining the preset recycling rate by means of flow meters and frequency controller

Unit for mechanical advanced treatment of biologically treated wastewater

The micro-mesh filter captures particles coarser than 20+/-100 µm.
The accumulated substances flow with the wastewater by gravity and settle on the inside of the drum screen. To avoid excessive accumulation of pollutants that impair the filtration process, the device is equipped with automatic drum cleaning and a pump to pump out the accumulated filtered substances.
As the maximum accumulation of filtered substances occurs, the drum starts and draws the newly formed layer to the upper point where it is washed off by the pressure of jets formed by two rows of nozzles on the outer side of the drum
The unit is operated by a control system in a continuous, fully automatic mode. Pumps for flushing and pumping out water are integrated
into the filter housing.

Capacity: 1 to 220 l/s
Material: stainless steel


  • High-quality materials: stainless steel filtering mesh
  • Fully automatic operation mode
  • Filter treated water is used for flushing

Mechanical sludge dewatering equipment

The function of the filter press is to obtain the desired amount of dry substance in the mechanically dewatered sludge by compressing the sludge between the moving filter belts. We supply the entire mechanical dewatering line together with the filter press on a turnkey basis, which includes all auxiliary equipment: polyflocculant dosing station, sludge conveyor, control panel, sludge feed pump, process water pump, compressor, step-up hydraulic tank, sludge and polyflocculant flow meters.

The average capacity of filter presses varies from 2 to 20 m³/hour.
Humidity of the produced sludge up to 75%


  • High capacity
  • High-quality materials (stainless steel)
  • Minimum specific consumption of polyflocculant
  • Fully automatic operation mode

Please contact us via one of the methods below

New Hejčínská 386/2, Olomouc – Hejčín,
Czech Repulic, 77900

+420 773 910 905

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